
Exclusive Marketing Tools Negotiating Must Art Scenario Planning

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

The Art of War the artistic way to fail

Nothing to lose...but life. The marketing advantage

Yes, there is an asymmetrycal plethora of features in Irak's war. American's kids are not represented in the global contest, and women and old men too...Weapons are in favour of allied (?), but Saddam have almost all targets...and headcount is on his favour, by far. Irak's Corporate Image sounds better , and Saddam's services are heavily sold in the Iraqui domestic market...J.W.Bush's marketing strategist are too many, and how we say here in Italy, too many cooks make the chicken burnt. Baath Party manage his people better (?) and faster, than American Congress. The command chain is shortest and more efficient. But, among all others market plus, Saddam's owe the best. Highly motivated people, with no choice than strongly partecipate to the contest. Saddam's people may be prefer to be shot, fighting, in the war, than being slowly killed from lackness of food, medicines, water, freedom, opportunities. Allied boys maybe prefer not to die at all and a quick going back to home. The superbowl being just over, it's time of baseball championship, and to download the latest mp3 ...As Sun Tzu in Art of War state, and Gordon Gekko remind us in Wall Street, each battle is won before to be battled ! The strategic set up, nowadays, strongly suggest to buy Iraqui products, that will... skyrocket (marketer's slang, sorry) , while rating companies, will downgrade allied shares from strongly buy to underperform
Managerial Strategic Culture derives from war discipline, particularly from Operation Research. With the deeply embedded outcome of media judgement, is war, nowadays, still a simple war, or, perhaps, a strongly terrible to sell service where marketing intelligence, motivated people are the true and only intelligent weapons to trust on ?

What I deliver to you
Claudio brings to you his really outstanding knowledge of that sometimes overconfused, by expectations overloaded , furiously struggled, often misunderstood , businesses' vital behaviour that each of us simply name ......m a r k e t i n g .
Claudio names the mix of needed competences, needed tools, needed behaviours in action marketing matters. That is from conceiving the business idea, till start up and early stage development and making them march !! That is, not only thinking and projecting about profitable product and service, or class of clients to be served , and territorial coverage needed, but , mainly, producing them, selling them to the right client, with the right price, using motivated and smart salesmen, who must use smart and natural looking selling arguments, with smart brochures and flyers, with the right words, the smart words in there...Well, all of this marketing plethora, is useless, and miss her target, without strong capabilities, smart, trained, educated, proven skills in negotiation

Focusing on negotiating skills, behaviour, training
For Claudio the art of negotiating is a must to have, and by far the most important individual skill for founders, CEO and General Managers.Really, the most important for each company itself, in her deep essence...So, what ? This site will focus on negotiating behaviour, and negotiating development
Please strongly contribute to this site by submitting your analysis, suggestions , tips &hints via this website itself, and via email. If public arena may be discomfortable with your question or problem, if any, don't hesitate to write me by email, and freely post your question I'll promptly give you my follow up.
I thanks in advance all future contributors